how it works

School from



School from beach vacation











Learn anywhere, all the time.
Skipper’s features are designed to stand alone and flex in a variety of ways, or merge together into one epic pipeline for learning.

Plan your day

Share printed  homeschool calendar with your family
Shared to-do list with tasks to check off.
Homeschool schedule and calendar to print
Success starts with excellent planning.  Develop your vision, set your goals, and build a strategy to get there.
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Discover it all

An image of a to-do list with checkboxes next to each item. The list includes various tasks, such as chores, shopping items, and other tasks that need to be completed.
like emojiThis image shows a collection of homeschool and classroom educational resources, including quizzes, books, videos, lessons, and assignments for a travel journal. The travel journal shows blank pages and a pen lying on the table. The travel journal is an activity for homeschoolers and students to keep track of their travels. The national park pages are perfect for recording hikes, nature study guides, and animals seen on the trip.National parks educational and homeschool resource
The image displays an educational homeschool resource for a travel journal. The travel journal is a physical notebook with a colorful cover featuring travel-related illustrations. The notebook is open, showing lined pages with prompts and spaces for recording travel experiences, such as destinations visited, activities, and notes from the trip. The journal also includes blank pages for drawing and practical information like packing lists and travel tips.
Search our crowd-sourced resources, activities, and lessons for ideas to help you accomplish your goals.
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Create courses

drag and drop quiz question answer for a matching quiz question.
An image of a quiz builder inside the course builder showing various question types such as true/false, multiple-choice, short answer, matching, sequencing, and essay questions. The quiz builder allows users to create auto-graded quizzes easily.
This quiz image shows a geography quiz with automatic grading features. The quiz question is a matching quiz question. The matching question shows the countries of Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden. The quiz instructions state the student is to match the city name to the correct country. Skipper's quizzes features drag and drop matching with customizable labels. Quiz questions can be partially graded for partial quiz points or extra credit.
Bring your ideas to life with a prebuilt course template, or start from scratch with our easy-to-use course builder.
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Teach students

The image shows quiz total points students can earn for the quiz question.
The image is a calendar to-do list that displays student assignments, quizzes, and to-do tasks. The calendar to-do list shows the assignment and quiz due dates and due times and highlights the tasks and lessons due today, making it easier for students to manage their schedules and prioritize their work.
An image of a quiz builder inside the course builder showing various question types such as true/false, multiple-choice, short answer, matching, sequencing, and essay questions. The quiz builder allows users to create auto-graded quizzes easily.
Everything students need to succeed! Clear to-do lists keep students on track and up to date with their progress. They can complete assignments, take quizzes, and track their progress in one convenient place.
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Grade and view progress

An image of a professional teacher's gradebook grid, featuring quick grading and a professional-grade input, as well as a grade calculator with an excused grade setting. The skipped professional grade setting allows students, parents, and teachers to skip optional assignments, without affecting the student's overall course average.
An image of a professional teacher's gradebook grid displaying a grade calculator with options for excused and dropped grades. The excused grade setting allows teachers to override low grades, and the dropped grade setting lets them excuse assignments and quizzes. These settings do not affect the student's overall course average.
This Skipper image of a professional teacher's gradebook grid shows a grade calculator with missed assignments and quizzes highlighted in red with the missed icon. The feature allows instructors to identify at-risk students and monitor late submissions. The grid also includes a lock feature for missed assignments and quizzes, giving instructors control over when and how late work is turned in.
An image of a professional teacher's gradebook grid includes quick grading, professional-grade input, a grade calculator, and a feature highlighting late assignments and quizzes. The grid gradebook allows instructors to easily track at-risk students and identify those who still need to turn in their work due to being late. The feature is designed to help teachers stay on top of student progress and improve communication with students who need extra support.
Monitor your student's progress and help students succeed by giving them feedback on their work and clear views of their learning mastery.
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Organize your life

An image of a to-do list with checkboxes next to each item. The list includes various tasks, such as chores, shopping items, and other tasks that need to be completed.
A calendar view displaying a daily agenda for today's schedule. The calendar includes a homeschool schedule, appointments, class times, and other everyday calendar items for parents, students, and instructors. The agenda lists events with the event or appointment time, including task reminders and notes. The layout is easy to read, with different colors indicating events, appointments, or course meeting times. The calendar helps manage daily activities and plan ahead
An image of a calendar popup reminder displaying the time and date of an online class, along with a Zoom link for access. This reminder helps students stay on track and attend their classes on time.
Ensure everyone’s making progress and hitting their deadlines with shared to-do lists, calendar views, and notifications.
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Communicate with your crew

Share files, images, and content inside the private messages.
Chat message between a daughter and her mom using skipper's private family chat feature.
Chat message between a daughter and her mom using skipper's private family chat feature.
Host discussions, answer questions, share files, and stay connected with your family, friends, and community.
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