Manage your homeschool in one place


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Take charge of your homeschool journey <span class="t-sun"> and succeed </span>

You can manage it all

Easily manage your homeschool with a bird's eye view of everything your family needs to do - so you can relax and enjoy your day.


3 yrs



Missing records

No more messy binders and missing papers, Skipper keeps all my academic records organized and in one place!

— Carlos, homeschool dad

Features to make your life easier

Smart calendars for everyone

Oversee all your activities with shared calendars that sync with your smartphone.

Printable calendars and schedules

Everyone knows what to-do with daily, weekly, and monthly printable schedules.

Adapts to your family rhythm

You decide what works best for you, loop, block, daily rhythm, or blend of schedules.

Discover homeschooling ideas

Enhance your homeschooling experience by seamlessly adding resources to your courses

Homeschool with friends

Teach together while maintaining your family's privacy with Skipper's course permissions.

A place to belong

Find local and online communities where you can experience support and encouragement.

Homeschool with <span class="t-sun"> confidence </span>

Stay organized with your to-do lists and communicate with your family, friends, and teachers.

Your homeschool planning lifeline

Plan your homeschool schedule quickly and easily. Our quick-add features, batch creation, loop schedules, and planning templates make building schedules that fit your lifestyle simple.

Collaborative Planning: More Fun Together!

Don't plan your homeschool lessons alone! Instead, collaborate with friends, create courses, plan lessons, and create content together.

Bring your learning to life

No more wasted time looking for lessons to teach your kids; be prepared and ready to go with all your teaching materials at your fingertips. Add fun and interactive materials like videos, quizzes, online games, and songs to your lessons.

Discover ideas and content

Find ready-made curriculum schedules, courses, lessons, and quizzes to import into your homeschool program.

Enhance your homeschooling curriculum

Add interactive videos, quizzes, study games, and songs to your co-op classes, Classical Conversations lessons, or boxed curriculum!

The ultimate teacher’s assistant

Grading and feedback is quick and easy to manage

Quick grading features allow you to annotate your child's work with comments, drawing tools, and stamps. And our interactive quizzes auto-grade and give instant feedback.

Celebrate your child’s progress and success

Stay on top of your child's achievements with automated features to help you maintain your homeschool records.

• Track progress

• Calculate grades

• Keep a portfolio of work

• Maintain transcripts

Know how to support your homeschooler

No more guesswork with real-time updates

Get a bird's-eye view of your child's to-do list so you always know what your child needs to do and the status of their progress.

Don’t let your child fall behind

Keep your child's learning on track with our digests, notifications, and alerts. You'll know when your child needs help, has questions, or needs to catch up on their work.

Everyone loves Skipper!

Skipper helps me see exactly what work I need to do, plus my chores and other tasks. The calendar is really helpful.

Olivia H.
Homeschool student

As a mom, having a single place to view everything my kids are doing is a game-changer, and Skipper has made my life so much easier! I can't thank you enough!

Rhonda K.
Homeschool mom

Yay, thank you Skipper for helping me! Now my mom doesn't have to keep asking me what I did all day because she can just check on Skipper instead!

Noah M.
Homeschool student

Skipper has everything I need in one place, from assigning chores and school work to planning dinner and tracking grades. Thank you for thinking of it all!

Nikki W.
Homeschool mom

Teaching multiple kids can be tough, but Skipper has made it so much easier with its great features.

David P.
Homeschool dad

I struggled to stay organized with so many teaching and communication apps, but Skipper has been a game-changer! Having everything in one place is such a relief, saving me so much time and stress.

Kyle B.
Homeschool dad

I love using Skipper to ask my mom questions and chat with my sisters, especially when we're in different rooms or when she's teaching my sisters. It's super helpful and makes things a lot easier!

Jackson H.
Homeschool student

I love seeing everything I need to do for my work at home and the other homeschool classes I take. It's so nice being able to talk to my teachers and my mom!

Liam M.
Homeschool student

It helps me organize all of my assignments and keep track of what and when things are due. It also is an easy way for me to talk to my mom!

Emma G.
Homeschool student

New to homeschooling

Download a guide to homeschooling

New to homeschooling

Planning templates for your lifestyle

Curriculum Planner
Reading Lists
History Timeline
Meal Plans
Learning Goals
Nature Study Guide
Family Chores
Family Vision Board
Field Trip Planner
Learning Adventures
Home Projects
Learn more

Homeschool with <span class="t-sun"> discussion </span>

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How to organize your homeschool day

how to organize your homeschool day

Julia Brickman
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Make hour homeschool better

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